Sports Innovation & 1% CLUB Basketball are the leading progressive
companies in the field of basketball around the world today.
These programs include;
instructional aids (J-Strap, J-Bow, V-Bands, O-Bands, J-Series
Products); "Millennium
Instructional DVDs Series"; "Green Room Training" (NBA/Overseas
training program), and Skill Training U (www.skilltrainingu.com).
is widely considered the top skill development trainers in the
country, as well as functional
product innovation development in the sporting industry.
While there are different shooting aids available, many are limited to one area
- keeping the ball off your palm region. However, there is not a single
shooting aid on the market that focuses on the most important aspect of consistent
square wrist follow through!
For most amateur shooters, the main reason for inconsistent shooting is improper
side-to-side wrist flaws during follow through. If a right-hand player prematurely
flexes his/her index finger during follow through (most common), then his/her
wrist will finish toward the outside, resulting in the wrist not flexing in a
frontal plane. If they prematuraly flex their ring finger, their wrist will finish
towards the
Where does
wrist finish?
Because of its unique finger splint design, the J-Glove prevents finger flexion
at the base and middle finger joints (MCP & PIP Joints), thus prventing a
from finishing to one side during follow through. Furthermore, the splint
design allows while allows complete freedom at the top digit (DIP Joint) so a
player can still naturally grip and feel the basketball. Ultimately, this innovative
design enables perfect forward hinging motion at the wrist joint, resulting in
improved mastery of your shooting mechanics in a matter of weeks.
In addition, the glove design develops proper finger separation within your "finger
fork", and ensures maximum extension at the wrist joint to create a proper "trigger
position". Because of the finger splint design, if the ball is resting on
a player's palm, the player's index finger will not be in contact with the ball,
thus reinforcing proper shot set up with every repetition. There is not
the market that can promote these same benefits.
The J-Glove is all about constructing or re-constructing perfect biomechanical
shooting mechanics during your shot release and follow through. In most cases,
this will involve one of the more difficult training tasks known to humans....breaking
old habits. Lessons at camps, and clinics often leave players confused and discouraged,
resulting in old shooting habits quickly reverting back. Re-training the brain
to discontinue the use of old muscle-memory circuits and to create new muscle-memory
circuits is a very time-consuming and repetitive process. Utilizing the J-Glove
and "Millennium shooting DVD" repetitively will re-construct your shooting
mechanics and follow through in a short period of time, while providing you with
success and confidence to be a long-term successful shooter. |